Friday, January 19, 2007

Amazing Grace

I am not a fan of films that have Christian followings. This one looks a bit different, however. We are on a mailing list for They sent us a trailer for the upcoming film, "Amazing Grace". It is the story behind the most famous and the most powerful song in all of history. They had Chris Tomlin, an excellent worship leader and writer, help with the soundtrack and even add an extra bridge to the song itself. The film looks amazing. It is Christian, but it is also cutting edge in its social justice message and how the grace God truly sets all people free. Click on the title of this post for the trailer. I'm thinking maybe we should all get together and see it when it comes out.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great! That is truly one of my favorite songs...I sing the parts I know to the boys when they go to sleep sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Checked out the trailer...looks great! Brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

i'm down.

Lora Maria said...

dude. more.

amyloveslattes said...

i watched the trailer. dang it. i'm so in.

Lora Maria said...

Grace IS amazing. Now can I have another POST! =) Love