Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mean People Suck

I work for a social service organization outside of my duties as the lead pastor of Adullam. I have worked in a number of social service situations in the past, and I have learned that all of them have one thing in common: DRAMA.

There has been all this chaos at work, and I have suddenly ended up in the middle of it all. I wrote a report about my department, summarizing a meeting we had, at the request of my supervisor. I was frustrated, and the report was not a positive one. It was confidential, however. That was back in October. This past Friday, one of the employees in that department quit, citing my report as the reason. When I say "citing", I mean he sent a message via email to every employee in the place. He also wrote a 10 page manifesto that included a copy of my confidential report and put the manifesto on every person's desk. No idea how he got a copy of my report.

So, then all of these other people at work started thinking that I caused this guy to quit. Then, another employee from the same department left today. Now all of these people at work think that I am this evil plotter, and many have conspiracy theories about me and management and how we are all in this secret group looking to fire everyone else. They see me in my friend Bill's office, whispering all the time, so we must be planning to fire more people. WOW. I wrote a report. IN OCTOBER! The guy who quit told me he was looking for a new job back in August. His manifesto was just a parting shot at me on his way out. I have been meeting secretly with management, because I am trying to start a new program to help people and compliment the work of the business. We can't really talk about it or take company time on it, until we have some important pieces in place. Bill and I whisper, because most of our jokes are inappropriate. All of the people who have left or been fired have multiple reasons, none of which have anything to do with me.

It seems to me that reality is much less interesting than fantasy. People who take the time to create and promote drama need more work to do. I try to come in, do my job, help as many people as possible and go home. I don't have a stomach for the drama. I want to yell at all of the gossips, busybodies, and drama queens to shut up, return to their cubicles, and work.

I think what pisses me off most is me. I want all of them to like me, and this upsets me because of my people pleasing crap. I want to be one of these narcissistic people who can just shrug off all negativity. This is where my Christianity is really challenged, with people who are remarkably non-Christian. I have some really good people at work, but it is the few that really make it hard to show up some days.


Lora Maria said...

A BLOG! Hooray! =)

I'm sorry to hear about this work situation of yours. poopy

"I" like you. =)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you are going through this. I have been in similar situations. It sucks to be pointed out as the bad guy when you really are not.

I pray that there is some sort of learning thing going on here. And I know you know there probably is. (Could be an opportunity to love a real stinker...or not)

It feels good to vent, though. I think most of us know that you are not some "evil plotter".

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so sensitive to all the negativity in the "work place" or the world either. It sucks...but perhaps it is a blessing as well.

Hang in there. You are in my prayers.

Unknown said...

You know I have recently begun to walk out of this people pleasing need. To know that one is loved no matter what people think is a huge thing and something I am still learning. I pray that God guides and directs us both in the process. Because we are all in process.

Anonymous said...

you should either talk to these dramaqueens individually and explain exactly what the situation really is or hold a meeting with everyone to clear the air.

yes, it sucks being the "better" person, but it needs to be done from time to time...

Lora Maria said...

dude. it's like you are becoming a mean person because you won't blog. what's going on in there! I need to know! Love